Everyone is uniquely beautiful on their own way, but it is hard to feel beautiful all the time. With the hustle and bustle of life, we sometimes forget to make time to appreciate how great and beautiful we are and our life is. Forgetting your beauty can be taxing mentally and emotionally, as we tend to get down on ourselves when we feel like we are not living up to our expectations. We know that beauty looks different for everybody, but here are some universal ways to integrate beauty into your life so that you can remember and appreciate it – even on days when you simply are not feeling it.
Smile. It sounds cheesy, but research has proven that the act of smiling can actually make you feel happier. Smile wide, stimulate those face muscles, and you will feel happier and therefore more beautiful. Smiling is an act that not only makes you feel beautiful for yourself but it also projects your beauty onto others as well.
Surround yourself with beautiful things. Keep things that you find beautiful around you, and not just tucked away in a drawer, but instead keep it somewhere where you can see it and it brings beauty to your life. Do you like flowers? Hang up a picture of flowers on your wall! Do you love Christmas lights? Hang up some lights around your room! By surrounding yourself with things that you find to be beautiful, you’re giving yourself the chance to find beauty in your day to day life.
Find what you like about yourself and affirm it to yourself . You can do this mentally, orally, or on paper depending on your style. Spend some time brainstorming on what characteristics you have that mean the most to you and focus on them. Maybe you have a nice smile, or you like the way your hair looks when you style it your favorite way. Or maybe what makes you feel beautiful is the way you listen to others, or how appreciative you are of what you have. Whatever it is that you love about yourself, take note of it and spend some time reflecting on what it means to you.
If you are feeling good, let it show. As humans, we tend to suppress our feelings in order to fit in, but if you have something positive on your mind, use it to stand out! Don’t cover up your excitement, instead let the excitement show and share it with others. If you feel pretty today, consciously carry out your day beautifully so that you can feel it in all that you do. Let your beautiful personality show wherever you are and in whatever you’re doing. Don’t feel like you have to be apologetic or shy about how great you feel when you are feeling it!
There are many different standards of beauty, and whatever you find to be beautiful is what you should implement in your life. The key here is to know what to emphasize. We can either emphasize on what is making us feel miserable or on what make us feel beautiful. By carrying out these ideas, you have the chance to integrate beauty into your life – even on those days when you just aren’t feeling it.