There’s No Place for Hate

There’s No Place for Hate

Blog, Events
Seeing all that happened in Charlottesville, VA this past weekend was truly disappointing and repulsive. The most viewed photo of the all the men and women holding torches in the night was crazy. I couldn't believe my eyes. Then to see men and women marching in broad daylight with their military guns so freely was also frightening. About a year ago from this date I was telling my daughter how lucky she was to grow up in a time where she didn't have to deal with such outward displays of prejudice, fears, and the anxiety of wondering if you had to fight back. However, seeing the chaos erupt right before my eyes on Saturday, made me feel uncomfortable for not only myself, but for my children, too. What was to…
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The Human Trafficking Trap: How To Spot It

Human trafficking is the act of illegally buying and selling human beings for forced labor or sexual exploitation and is commonly referred to as “modern day slavery.” But that only happens in faraway places, nowhere near you or your family…right? Well, not exactly. Human trafficking, while it definitely is a global issue, it has also become a local issue even here in the United States. There are approximately 20 to 30 million slaves in the world today, pushing human trafficking to the third largest international crime industry in the world with it generating a profit of roughly $32 billion every year. While people would like to think that this does not happen in countries like the United States, more than half of that profit is generated in industrialized countries (including…
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Domestic Abuse and Violence: What The Eyes Can’t See, The Heart Can Feel

Domestic Abuse and Violence: What The Eyes Can’t See, The Heart Can Feel

Blog, Events, Relationship, Therapy
The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence reports that in the US, 33.3% of women and 25% of men have been victims of some sort of abuse in an intimate relationship at some point in their life. This means that 1 in 3 women we have met in our life has been affected by domestic abuse and 1 in 4 men we know has been victimized in an intimate relationship. Although, this may be a disturbing statistic, we have the power and the means to influence and change this madness. How do we begin? We start with knowing the signs. They are not always immediately visible and because we always look for the best in our partners, we often brush it aside when they are consistently appearing. It is also important…
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