Go on a Vacation, You Won’t Regret It!

Go on a Vacation, You Won’t Regret It!

Blog, Health, Motivation, Tips
A couple months left until summer will officially be over! With that in mind have you taken a few days off to enjoy the summer sun?  There’s not much time left if you haven’t gone on a vacation, yet. Maybe you’re thinking who needs a vacation! Or I don’t have any money! Of course, there are million more excuses we tell ourselves, but we should really stop and go on that vacation. When given the chance to relax and go on a vacation you should take it! Everybody needs to take the time to relax and escape for a few days. It also creates wonderful memories and experiences that you’ll be able to look back on with joy and appreciation. Typically, when someone mentions a vacation, most think of the…
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Be Brave & Take That Leap

Be Brave & Take That Leap

Blog, Health, Motivation, Tips
Fear has the ability to stop us in our tracks, preventing us from starting new and different things. Maybe it's something out of our comfort zone that makes us so unsure of taking that next leap, whether it’s a big or small decision. However, that feeling of uncertainty and fear should not stop you from taking your life to the next chapter. It’s understandable to have the feeling of uncertainty and fear when your life begins to shape its path differently. But instead of worrying about the feeling of uncertainty and fear, you should focus on how this new journey can impact your life in a totally positive and exciting new way. Life sometimes shows us new opportunities, which can be frightening. You may be afraid of change or you…
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10 Must Dos To Thrive and Succeed

10 Must Dos To Thrive and Succeed

Blog, Motivation, Tips
The first month of 2017 is almost over and that means you have a clear idea of what the upcoming months would look like. it’s not uncommon to feel overwhelmed. School, work, and life are all starting to get back in the swing of things and it’s easy to find yourself feeling like you’re in too deep. When the stress starts to kick in and you need a breath, it’s important to know that you can do it. You’re strong enough and capable of whatever you put your mind to, it’s just a matter of staying on track. We compiled a list of ten tips to help you stay on the track for success, survive the upcoming trials and thrive even when it starts to feel overwhelming. Take care of…
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