Solving Your Relationship Issues

Solving Your Relationship Issues

Blog, Relationship, Therapy, Tips
No relationship is perfect! Everyone hits a rough patch here and then. The important thing though is to not let it have a negative impact on your relationship. Especially if you know this person is someone incredibly special. Relationships take a lot of communication and trust. It's important that when a disagreement arises you talk it out with your partner first. One of the most common situations that happen in relationships is that when a conflict arises, most people don't discuss it with their partners first. Instead, they go to their friends and try to figure it out instead of just being completely honest with their partner. Sure, you may be going to your friends because you trust them 100 percent and they may be able to provide great insight.…
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Go on a Vacation, You Won’t Regret It!

Go on a Vacation, You Won’t Regret It!

Blog, Health, Motivation, Tips
A couple months left until summer will officially be over! With that in mind have you taken a few days off to enjoy the summer sun?  There’s not much time left if you haven’t gone on a vacation, yet. Maybe you’re thinking who needs a vacation! Or I don’t have any money! Of course, there are million more excuses we tell ourselves, but we should really stop and go on that vacation. When given the chance to relax and go on a vacation you should take it! Everybody needs to take the time to relax and escape for a few days. It also creates wonderful memories and experiences that you’ll be able to look back on with joy and appreciation. Typically, when someone mentions a vacation, most think of the…
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The Importance of Me Time & Self-Pampering

The Importance of Me Time & Self-Pampering

Blog, Health, Motivation, Therapy, Tips
Most of us are busy, day in, day out, leaving us very little time to ourselves. However, that doesn’t mean you should forget about your self–care. Don’t wait for a day to where you will be able to finally treat yourself. Instead, you should take the initiative to schedule a day of self-pampering and self-care. There might be many reasons as to why you can’t ever schedule a time to yourself. You’re thinking, “I’m too busy” or “whenever I do schedule time for myself something always has to interfere with my time.” Although these are understandable and we know life can be hectic and unorganized at times, it should not stop you from giving yourself a break every once in awhile. Same goes for if you think the contrary about…
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Be Brave & Take That Leap

Be Brave & Take That Leap

Blog, Health, Motivation, Tips
Fear has the ability to stop us in our tracks, preventing us from starting new and different things. Maybe it's something out of our comfort zone that makes us so unsure of taking that next leap, whether it’s a big or small decision. However, that feeling of uncertainty and fear should not stop you from taking your life to the next chapter. It’s understandable to have the feeling of uncertainty and fear when your life begins to shape its path differently. But instead of worrying about the feeling of uncertainty and fear, you should focus on how this new journey can impact your life in a totally positive and exciting new way. Life sometimes shows us new opportunities, which can be frightening. You may be afraid of change or you…
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Essential Oils to have Plenty of Good Vibes

Essential Oils to have Plenty of Good Vibes

Blog, Health, Tips
Before there were any pharmaceuticals, many people relied on natural remedies and essential oils for thousands of years. They were especially used in ancient China, Egypt, Greece, India and Rome as perfumes, in cosmetics, and as medicines. Of course, the oils didn’t come in cute bottles and packages where you could buy them at a high-end, organic, all natural store, but they still had the same effects. Although it may seem as if aromatherapies are not as practical with today’s medicine, they still can enhance your psychological and physical well-being. Typically, the contents of essential oils are extracts from flowers, stems, leaves, roots and other parts of a plant. When the aroma from the oils are inhaled, it’s believed to stimulate brain function and promote whole body healing when massaged…
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Hurricane Safety Tips

Hurricane Safety Tips

Blog, Tips
As the first predicted hurricane of the season approaches this week, South Florida has started going into a frenzy in preparation for Hurricane Matthew. Stores can barely keep up with water and canned food sales and hurricane shutters are beginning to go up. As unpredictable as bad weather can be this time of year, it is key to have a game plan and keep our stress level normal as we try to carry on with our everyday activities. The key to remaining hurricane ready is all about maintaining order. Stay up to date. Staying in the know wont be hard with hurricane Matthew. It seems every news station and radio broadcast has not only the latest update on Matthew’s progress through the Caribbean, but also their own opinions on whether…
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Adapting Yourself into Single Parenthood

Blog, Parenting, Tips
Breakups takes a lot out of you. It takes all of your energy just to cope with the emotions and it takes a lot of your resources trying to reclaim your life and prepare for a future that is so different than what you imagined. Therefore it is only natural to feel overwhelmed when you are adapting into a future as a single parent. Odds are that you did not plan for this to happen, and this one question will keep coming up:"Where do I go from here? To begin, it is necessary to know that going into the realm of single parenthood means one thing: 24hrs is not enough and in the midst of all the craziness that welcomes you, here are a few important things to remember as…
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