Celebrating Your Beauty Even when You Don’t Feel It

Celebrating Your Beauty Even when You Don’t Feel It

Blog, Health, Motivation, Therapy
Everyone is uniquely beautiful on their own way, but it is hard to feel beautiful all the time. With the hustle and bustle of life, we sometimes forget to make time to appreciate how great and beautiful we are and our life is. Forgetting your beauty can be taxing mentally and emotionally, as we tend to get down on ourselves when we feel like we are not living up to our expectations. We know that beauty looks different for everybody, but here are some universal ways to integrate beauty into your life so that you can remember and appreciate it – even on days when you simply are not feeling it. Smile. It sounds cheesy, but research has proven that the act of smiling can actually make you feel happier.…
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Creating Our Own Standard of Beauty

Creating Our Own Standard of Beauty

Blog, Health, Motivation, Therapy, Tips
Early on in our lives, we as women are bombarded by social standards of beauty. The media we have constant access to leads us to formulate beauty standards based on what celebrities are wearing and what magazines tell us is “hot” or “not”. As we grow older a greater emphasis is put on individuality, and finding likeminded people who share the same styles and tastes as we do. Still, the media, Hollywood, movies, TC shows and pop culture will always be a part of daily life in the 21st century, forever shaping the way we see ourselves and those around us. For women’s history month, it is important to both look at women throughout history but also to create history with our choices today. It is these choices that will…
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Navigating The End of Year Rush

Navigating The End of Year Rush

Blog, Health, Therapy, Tips
Between work, school, kids, or whatever else takes up your time – you’re busy. Managing a crazy schedule can be overwhelming. You’ve probably had to remind yourself a few times that you can’t be in two places at once, and that’s okay. Along with a packed schedule and rushed deadlines comes stress, agitation, and all around just not feeling quite like yourself. While it usually seems that being busy and being stressed go hand in hand, it doesn’t have to be that way. You can find ways to manage your busy schedule in a way that works for you – and we have some tips on how to do that, all while caring for yourself. Keep a planner. Remembering a thing or two doesn’t sound like it is too bad,…
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Hurricane Safety Tips

Hurricane Safety Tips

Blog, Tips
As the first predicted hurricane of the season approaches this week, South Florida has started going into a frenzy in preparation for Hurricane Matthew. Stores can barely keep up with water and canned food sales and hurricane shutters are beginning to go up. As unpredictable as bad weather can be this time of year, it is key to have a game plan and keep our stress level normal as we try to carry on with our everyday activities. The key to remaining hurricane ready is all about maintaining order. Stay up to date. Staying in the know wont be hard with hurricane Matthew. It seems every news station and radio broadcast has not only the latest update on Matthew’s progress through the Caribbean, but also their own opinions on whether…
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Reclaiming Your Hope

Blog, Health, Therapy
Hope, as Bishop Desmond Tutu eloquently put it, is having the conviction that there is light despite of all the darkness that surrounds us. Without having this conviction, our view on the future would quickly turn grim and it will be translated into our day to day actions. It is something we need to cultivate and we need to start by setting time a side to work on your thoughts and emotions. By taking time to work yourself you are investing in your mental, emotional, and physical health that will enable you to re-calibrate yourself. A practice known as Self Care. A necessary routine that becomes even more so when life seems to demand from us more than what we can give because without it we cannot see the future…
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