Signs of a Broken Relationship

Have you ever felt a deep ache in your heart? Maybe you feel something is off in your relationship. Whether it's new or old, it's hard to face a broken relationship. Yet, it's key to know for your own happiness. A bad relationship can hurt you emotionally, mentally, and maybe even physically. Look out for things like not talking, trust problems, and not getting along. These signs can help you figure out what to do next. This guide will show you common signs of a bad relationship. It will also give you tips on what to do about them. The goal is to help you build a better, more loving relationship. Always remember, you should be valued and loved in your relationships. Never settle for less than what you deserve.…
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Truth About Depression Among Men and Overcoming It

Truth About Depression Among Men and Overcoming It

Health, Therapy
    The state of our mental health is the prerequisite of our success yet we often put the care of our mental health on the back seat. When stress goes unmanaged that further develop into depression, we often dismiss it as simply stress or being fatigued when the reality is far more serious and more prevalent. A report by the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) shows that 16.2 million adults and 3.1 million teens (ages 12-17) have had at least one major depressive episode. A statistics that warrants attention and solution as depression that goes untreated or managed can result in severe injury or death. What the report does not notice is that while depression is an issue that gets a spotlight in the media, it is a…
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Overcoming Obstacles

Overcoming Obstacles

Blog, Health, Motivation, Therapy, Tips
Life can become difficult! One moment you are having a great life and thinking “Wow, life is going great!” Then the next thing you now it’s like a great big dark cloud overshadows all the positive things that have happened in your life. However, it’s important to not let those negative moments bring you down or lead you to believe that life will not get better. There are times in our lives where we must experience downfalls. Those dark moments can either break you or make you stronger. It’s important though that you don’t let them break you. Remember to stay positive through all the negative moments you may experience. I know, it can be hard to do, especially if things are really bad, but try not to let it…
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Struggling with an Eating Disorder

Struggling with an Eating Disorder

Blog, Health, Motivation, Therapy
Almost 30 million people of all ages and genders struggle with an eating disorder in the United States, according to the National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorder website.  Although anyone can be affected and struggle with an eating disorder, women are the most associated with eating disorders. With advertisements, the media, and society implementing the idea that women and girls should be skinny and outrageously attractive at a very young age it’s no surprise that women are more vulnerable to struggling with an eating disorder.   There are a lot of different kinds of eating disorders. The most common forms of eating disorders include Anorexia, Bulimia, and Binge Eating. Some eating disorders limit the amount of food intake from a person's diet and others increase the amount of…
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Signs of Codependency

Signs of Codependency

Blog, Health, Relationship, Therapy
Codependency can be a serious issue, especially when the person is depending on the other person too much. Not giving the other person enough space to breathe or do their own things on their own time can have a negative impact on a relationship. It’s normal to want to be with someone all the time, but you should also understand that everyone has their own life to tend to. You shouldn’t actually have to be with that person all the time to feel happy or complete. Codependency can often be found in people who come from a dysfunctional family. Research shows that people who have parents who emotionally abused or neglected them in their teens or as a young child were more likely to be co-dependent. However, anyone can become…
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LGBTQ Couples and Adoption

LGBTQ Couples and Adoption

Adoption, Blog, Motivation, Parenting, Therapy, Tips
Children can bring couples many delightful memories. They can also help the couple feel like a true and complete family. However, we must acknowledge that couples are no longer only men and women, but there are plenty of openly same sex couples who would also like to have a complete family of their own. Many LGBTQ couples want the same opportunities to adopt and have a family just as heterosexual couples. However, the route to completing their families through adoption can be extremely difficult. It can be especially difficult if the state they live in has strict laws on LGBTQ couples adopting and what state or country they are deciding to adopt their child from. Since 2010, in the Sunshine State, the ban on gay and lesbian adoption was ruled…
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Surrogacy as an Option

Surrogacy as an Option

Adoption, Blog, Motivation, Parenting, Therapy
The joys of starting a family can be challenging for some. However, there are several options that can help your dreams of having a family become reality. There are various options that you can choose from to start a family like adoption, traditional surrogacy, and gestational surrogacy. Although adoption is one of the most common routes for couples who would like to start a family, surrogacy is also a common option. The process of surrogacy depends on the type of surrogacy. As mentioned there are two primary types of surrogacy, traditional and gestational. Traditional surrogacy is when the surrogate carries the embryo and is the donor of the egg, making her the biological mother. In this case, the surrogate will be impregnated with sperm from the intended father, who will…
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The Importance of Me Time & Self-Pampering

The Importance of Me Time & Self-Pampering

Blog, Health, Motivation, Therapy, Tips
Most of us are busy, day in, day out, leaving us very little time to ourselves. However, that doesn’t mean you should forget about your self–care. Don’t wait for a day to where you will be able to finally treat yourself. Instead, you should take the initiative to schedule a day of self-pampering and self-care. There might be many reasons as to why you can’t ever schedule a time to yourself. You’re thinking, “I’m too busy” or “whenever I do schedule time for myself something always has to interfere with my time.” Although these are understandable and we know life can be hectic and unorganized at times, it should not stop you from giving yourself a break every once in awhile. Same goes for if you think the contrary about…
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Living a Stress-Free Life

Living a Stress-Free Life

Blog, Health, Motivation, Tips
A guide to living a stress-free life We are finally well into the month of July! It’s hard to believe that the year is already half way gone. With that said, some of you may be stressing over all the things you have yet to do. If this sounds all too familiar, stop stressing. You’re not doing yourself any good by worrying. If anything, it could be stressing you out even more. Instead of feeling like you haven’t done anything, you should take it as an opportunity to see what you can do from now to live a positive and stress-free life. Although it may be a bit difficult to begin, it will be worth it once you figure out what works for you. If you feel that your stress…
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What to Say When Someone Tells You They’ve Been Sexually Assaulted

What to Say When Someone Tells You They’ve Been Sexually Assaulted

Blog, Health, Therapy, Tips
What would you say if you friend came to you and told you they were sexually assaulted? Like most people, you would probably be at a loss for words. How are you supposed to respond to something like that, especially if you have never experienced anything like it yourself? Knowing what to say can be hard, yet for the survivor what you say is critically important. With statistics like 1 in 3 women and 1 in 6 men would suffer from sexual assault, you most likely know someone who has been through that experience. Sadly, sexual violence is a very real issue in our world regardless of where you live or who you are. This is an issue that affects people everywhere, every day. So, what should you say if…
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