
The Language of Love

The Language of Love

Blog, Motivation, Relationship, Therapy, Tips
Love is a complex and deep language and one that is communicated differently for everyone. For some they choose to love others by buying them gifts while for others they choose to love by being present and listening to you. While we put an emphasis on trying to understand how we communicate love, it is also important to know your partner's love language. The questions then are: How does your partner communicate their love? How do they receive love? Most of us have heard about the 5 love languages. If you have not, the 5 love languages include: Words of Affirmation, Acts of Service, Receiving Gifts, Quality Time, and Physical Touch. By utilizing this assessment, you can learn how to love your partner the best you can. The assessment is…
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When “I love you” is not enough

When “I love you” is not enough

Blog, Motivation, Relationship, Therapy, Tips
As children we learn the phrase I love you early by hearing it used consistently by society, family, and storybooks. Often we won’t experience a personal lesson in the actions that represent love before we actually enter the dating world. It is as easy to say the words I love you as it is to say hello or goodbye, but what does telling someone you love them REALLY mean and how will you act toward those you feel you love? Same goes for someone saying they love you. Do their actions reflect their words? Growing up Disney movies consistently tell the story of star crossed lovers that will be together against all odds. This leads many to feel that saying and feeling love are the only two things you need…
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Valentine’s Day Guide List to Self-Care

Valentine’s Day Guide List to Self-Care

Blog, Relationship, Therapy, Tips
Valentine’s Day can be very enjoyable, but it can also be an intense and draining experience, especially if you plan on or because of different circumstances, spending it alone. It’s important to remember that just like you love & care for others, you need to love & care for yourself. Valentine’s Day is a great opportunity to turn the V-Day expectation into Me Day Celebration To help guide you give an idea of what you can do for your Me Day celebration, we’ve put together a list of ideas of things you can do this Valentine’s Day that are all about making you feel special & showing you just how amazing you really are. Do something that makes you happy This seems obvious but it’s not as easy- especially on…
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Mr. Right isn’t always going to be Mr. Perfect

Mr. Right isn’t always going to be Mr. Perfect

Blog, Relationship, Therapy, Tips
With Valentine’s Day coming up, let’s talk about relationships. Especially about finding the right person to be with. We all have a criteria and we want someone who can match them. However, those criteria can sometimes be unrealistic. Can you think of anybody in your life who has a very high - sometimes unrealistic - standards in choosing Mr. Right - or Mrs. Right? Maybe that someone is you or very close to you. The key in finding the right person is knowing the difference between knowing your own values and wanting what is best for you versus creating too high of an expectation from a person. This balance can be a tricky one to manage, but we hope our insight can help you clear up whether you’re looking for…
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5 Things You Need to Know about Finding the Right Person

5 Things You Need to Know about Finding the Right Person

Blog, Motivation, Relationship, Therapy, Tips
When you are single and on the market for love, it can sometimes be easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of excitement when someone good finally comes along; on the other hand, after a few too many “whirlwinds of excitement,” you may get to the point that you give up all together and don’t even notice when someone great is right in front of you. With Valentine’s Day coming up (cue the excitement from some, sighs from others), it is important to know what you are looking for when trying to find the right person. While everybody is different, we compiled a list of 5 things you need to know when you’re in the market. It’s important to know yourself first. It’s hard to know what you like…
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10 Must Dos To Thrive and Succeed

10 Must Dos To Thrive and Succeed

Blog, Motivation, Tips
The first month of 2017 is almost over and that means you have a clear idea of what the upcoming months would look like. it’s not uncommon to feel overwhelmed. School, work, and life are all starting to get back in the swing of things and it’s easy to find yourself feeling like you’re in too deep. When the stress starts to kick in and you need a breath, it’s important to know that you can do it. You’re strong enough and capable of whatever you put your mind to, it’s just a matter of staying on track. We compiled a list of ten tips to help you stay on the track for success, survive the upcoming trials and thrive even when it starts to feel overwhelming. Take care of…
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Human Trafficking Close to Home

Human Trafficking Close to Home

Blog, Tips
      It is estimated that over four million people each year are sex trafficked worldwide in an industry that is worth tens of millions of dollars annually in the United States alone. Within the 50 states, Flordia is ranked 3rd Among other black market industries, human trafficking is rarely addressed as a societal issue; one we should all be aware is present in every crevice of our community. It is the human way to think “this is not an issue that will ever affect me”. Even though many are not included in an “at risk” population, it should be known that sex trafficking puts our safety and our humanity at risk. For this reason, it is important to be prepared, be aware, and be resilient.       We all know the feeling of…
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A Product with a Purpose

A Product with a Purpose

Blog, Motivation
We all have a perception of what a hero should be, whether it be a superhero who saves average citizens from being mugged, or a teacher who deeply impacted our life and we consider “our hero”. The fact is, not all heroes wear capes or have "super-powers". The "heroes" in our lives come from all walks of life, cultures, genders, backgrounds, and ages. Recently, a new hero has come to make herself known to us here at Therapeutic Center for Hope. An unlikely suspect, Idalis Soto (Instagram: @idalissoto) is a thirteen year old girl who heard a story that would change her life and the lives of those around her. As an active member of Christ Fellowship and the daughter of a local pastor, Idalis is no stranger to charity,…
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The Human Trafficking Trap: How To Spot It

Human trafficking is the act of illegally buying and selling human beings for forced labor or sexual exploitation and is commonly referred to as “modern day slavery.” But that only happens in faraway places, nowhere near you or your family…right? Well, not exactly. Human trafficking, while it definitely is a global issue, it has also become a local issue even here in the United States. There are approximately 20 to 30 million slaves in the world today, pushing human trafficking to the third largest international crime industry in the world with it generating a profit of roughly $32 billion every year. While people would like to think that this does not happen in countries like the United States, more than half of that profit is generated in industrialized countries (including…
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Resolution vs Vision

Resolution vs Vision

Blog, Business, Motivation
First week of the new year has passed and some of us are seeing a couple of things: The resolution is going well or it is on their way out of the window. Many people say they don't do new year’s resolutions for a variety of reasons. Either they think that they will shoot too high and set themselves up for failure or maybe they say they are happy with their life and don’t have anything they “need” to change. The logic behind a new year’s resolution is that we all have a dream or two or three and we use the new year to embark on some sort of journey to achieve a goal or change an aspect of their lifestyle they find themselves dissatisfied with. Every new beginning…
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