It’s OK to Be Single
Being single is often associated with being unhappy. While being in a relationship is often associated with being beyond happy, just over the moon. However, the reality is not everyone who is in a relationship is extremely satisfied or happy just because they share their lives with someone. Same goes for being single, not every single person out there is unhappy and miserable because they are not sharing their lives with someone. The most rewarding and memorable moments can be when you have spent them on your own. Being single can be a great time! As long as you’re not one of those single people who are always worried about other people relationships, if you are you really might want to find your own relationship to pick at. Typically, though…

The Best Relationships Start With You
Relationships, in general, are hard. It’s a matter of having good communication, being respectful to one another, and completely honest with each other. Non-romantic relationships aren’t as hard as romantic ones. However, sometimes in both, we can say and do the wrong things that can change the entire relationship. For most, our very first relationships are with our parent(s) and family members. The values we learn from them shape us into who we are today. When we meet new people and start new relationships we tend to seek out and stick with the ones who are similar to us in values, appearances, and experiences. However, that doesn’t mean that the people who we seek relationships with will be just like us. It’s important to keep that in mind because although…

Exercising Isn’t The Only Way to Stay Fit
At some point and time, we’ve all tried to live a healthy lifestyle. The way it usually starts is by cutting out all the bad from your diet all at once— going in for the dive! Not second guessing that maybe we should gradually cut things out from our diet instead of going cold turkey and heading straight for intense workouts. We don’t pace ourselves to our personal preferences and comfortability when we consider our take on trying to be healthy. We get so pumped when we read what the workouts consist of and how we’ll look afterward. But when a few weeks pass we begin to stop and lose hope when we don’t see those tight abs we so badly want or that nice firm butt most celebrities seem…

The Telltale Sign That Your Relationship Just Won’t Work Out
Sometimes we ignore the red flags that are thrown our way. We hold onto the relationship hoping that if we stay in place for long enough things will change. The truth is more and likely the relationship will just not work out no matter how much you want it to. It is important for you and your partner to face the fact that no matter how much effort you can put into a relationship if your partner isn’t doing the same or if you both are just not on the same page it makes it incredibly difficult for the relationship to blossom into something amazing. Staying in a bad, unhealthy, or loveless relationship for a long period is obviously a bad thing, but so many people stay in them for…

Effects of Postpartum Depression
1 in 7 women experience postpartum depression according to a study of 10,000 mothers with newborns. Postpartum depression is a type of depression that mothers may get after having a baby due to hormone changes and stress. It also may be more likely to occur if the mother has a history of depression. Postpartum depression can start anytime during your baby’s first year, but it is more common to feel the effects during the first 3 weeks after birth. You may feel sad, hopeless and guilty because you may not feel like you want to bond and/or care for your newborn. The diagnosis of postpartum depression can only come from a doctor, but if you think you may have it, it is best to schedule an appointment with your doctor.…

Dating as a Single Parent
When dating it can already be difficult to find a person who you find interesting and willing to put your effort into. However, when you are dating as a single parent not only are you concerned about your interests but it can also be a bit more challenging because you are thinking of your child, too. There’s also the challenge of letting the people you date know you have a child. So many questions start to pop into your mind. It can become a huge headache for you that you rather not try, but rest assured that you are not the first single parent to date and will not be the last to do so. When setting out to the dating scene it’s important to let your dating partner know…

Co-Parenting After Divorce: Positive Childhood Memories for Your Children
Divorce is hard enough when it is between two people who loved each other very much but no longer feel like it will work out no matter how hard they try. However, dealing with divorce when you share kids can become extremely complicated real quick. One parent ends up spending more time with the child/children than the other, sharing and making more memories with the kids than the other parent. This alone can lead to problems because one parent can feel left out and as if they are not having the same quality time with their child as they were spending before the divorce. It also can be a stressful and confusing time for the children involved. Especially if they were used to both of their parents always being involved…

How to Get My Child To Want a Healthy Lifestyle
About one in five school-aged children from the ages of 6-19 are obese. According to the CDC, the percentage of children with obesity in the United States has more than tripled since the 1970s. But what is the difference between being overweight and obese? Well, the National Institutes of Health defines obesity as having excess body fat. While being overweight is defined as having excess body weight for a particular height from fat, muscle, bone, water, or a combination of these factors. For children with a BMI (Body Mass Index) at or above the 85th percentile and less than the 95th percentile are considered overweight. However, if your child is past the 95th percentile they are considered obese. There are a few factors that can contribute to childhood obesity. For…

Essential Oils to have Plenty of Good Vibes
Before there were any pharmaceuticals, many people relied on natural remedies and essential oils for thousands of years. They were especially used in ancient China, Egypt, Greece, India and Rome as perfumes, in cosmetics, and as medicines. Of course, the oils didn’t come in cute bottles and packages where you could buy them at a high-end, organic, all natural store, but they still had the same effects. Although it may seem as if aromatherapies are not as practical with today’s medicine, they still can enhance your psychological and physical well-being. Typically, the contents of essential oils are extracts from flowers, stems, leaves, roots and other parts of a plant. When the aroma from the oils are inhaled, it’s believed to stimulate brain function and promote whole body healing when massaged…