Signs of a Broken Relationship

Have you ever felt a deep ache in your heart? Maybe you feel something is off in your relationship. Whether it's new or old, it's hard to face a broken relationship. Yet, it's key to know for your own happiness. A bad relationship can hurt you emotionally, mentally, and maybe even physically. Look out for things like not talking, trust problems, and not getting along. These signs can help you figure out what to do next. This guide will show you common signs of a bad relationship. It will also give you tips on what to do about them. The goal is to help you build a better, more loving relationship. Always remember, you should be valued and loved in your relationships. Never settle for less than what you deserve.…
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Stop Stalking Your Ex

After a breakup, it's hard not to peek at what your ex is doing. This checking, or "stalking," can really slow down your healing process. Let's dive into why stopping this habit is crucial. We'll look at how to love yourself and move forward without them. Stalking your ex on social media or in person can hinder your personal growth and healing process after a breakup. Embracing self-love and engaging in activities that bring you joy can help you move forward in a healthy way. Seeking professional therapy can provide the support and guidance you need to navigate the challenges of a broken relationship. Focusing on moving on and creating a fulfilling future for yourself are essential for your well-being. Breaking the cycle of stalking and obsession can empower you.…
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4 Signs That You’ve Outgrown Your Relationship

4 Signs That You’ve Outgrown Your Relationship

Relationships are bound to change. As time passes, our relationships will face a few roadblocks, turns, bumps, highs, lows, and everything in between. Sometimes, these shifts can cause you to wonder if the relationship is meant for you anymore. Fluctuations in relationships are normal; however, if you notice that these changes have impacted your relationship drastically, it may be time to re-assess. If you start questioning your relationship, think about these 5 signs to determine whether or not you have outgrown your relationship. You feel drained when you are with your partner If you constantly feel depleted after spending time with them, it might be time to rethink their place in your life. Feeling drained is a sign that you might be overextending yourself while not being mutually fulfilled by…
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Keeping Your Relationship Fresh as Busy Professionals

Keeping Your Relationship Fresh as Busy Professionals

Blog, Health, Motivation, Relationship
Relationships can be difficult in managing as an adult with a thriving career. Finding someone is hard enough, but once you found your special someone keeping your relationship lively and making time for each can prove to also become challenging. Especially when the both of you have your own careers, personal goals, and sometimes even individual issues. As for any relationship, there has to be a solid foundation of excellent communication. Too often we all can sometimes underestimate the power of having mutual communication and verbalizing what we want in the relationship with our partner. When you feel as though your relationship is lacking it’s important that you get through your fear of confronting the issues. The fear will only prevent you from surpassing the issues at hand and not…
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Signs of Codependency

Signs of Codependency

Blog, Health, Relationship, Therapy
Codependency can be a serious issue, especially when the person is depending on the other person too much. Not giving the other person enough space to breathe or do their own things on their own time can have a negative impact on a relationship. It’s normal to want to be with someone all the time, but you should also understand that everyone has their own life to tend to. You shouldn’t actually have to be with that person all the time to feel happy or complete. Codependency can often be found in people who come from a dysfunctional family. Research shows that people who have parents who emotionally abused or neglected them in their teens or as a young child were more likely to be co-dependent. However, anyone can become…
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Solving Your Relationship Issues

Solving Your Relationship Issues

Blog, Relationship, Therapy, Tips
No relationship is perfect! Everyone hits a rough patch here and then. The important thing though is to not let it have a negative impact on your relationship. Especially if you know this person is someone incredibly special. Relationships take a lot of communication and trust. It's important that when a disagreement arises you talk it out with your partner first. One of the most common situations that happen in relationships is that when a conflict arises, most people don't discuss it with their partners first. Instead, they go to their friends and try to figure it out instead of just being completely honest with their partner. Sure, you may be going to your friends because you trust them 100 percent and they may be able to provide great insight.…
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28 Day Relationship Challenge

28 Day Relationship Challenge

Blog, Motivation, Relationship, Therapy, Tips
This relationship challenge is designed to have you focus on your partner and the relationship. Taking a different perspective in the way you approach your relationship. The challenge will help you and your partner to not only just regain the spark back in the relationship, find new things about each other, or to overcome an obstacle but also to push the relationship to new heights. For the next 28 days, you are learning to not just see what areas that can be worked on but also workiing it out together while having fun. Who says that challenges can be fun right? Take it and see how strong your relationship will become
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Single? Good! It’s an Opportunity

Single? Good! It’s an Opportunity

Blog, Relationship, Therapy
Since adolescence, an emphasis on finding “the one” seems to be the topic of conversation causing many young people to spend the greater part of their young lives in pursuit of a relationship. It is in our twenties when many family members start questioning us about whether we are in a relationship and when we will settle down. While a good amount young people do get married and start families in the decade after high school, many have started to see value in spending our twenties single. It is during this time period, the prime of our lives that we are biologically eligible to start families, but that doesn’t mean it is a requirement. Today it has become just as acceptable to rearrange our list of priorities in the order…
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7 Most Common Pitfalls in a Relationship

7 Most Common Pitfalls in a Relationship

Blog, divorce, Relationship, Therapy, Tips
Relationships do get difficult. They are not always filled with smiles, laughter, and butterflies. Sometimes it can get frustrating or just flat out boring. The thing is, this is normal. Relationships aren’t always going to be flowing smoothly, there will be bumps, and curves and blocks on the road that you have to navigate. More often than expected, you have to figure out how to make it flow especially when it gets hard. Every relationship is different and each one faces its own difficulties. However, the challenges that each relationship face can be traced back to several essential factors. To help you navigate them I have compiled seven of the most common pitfalls based on the experiences I had with my clients, Maybe some of them may even sound familiar…
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The Language of Love

The Language of Love

Blog, Motivation, Relationship, Therapy, Tips
Love is a complex and deep language and one that is communicated differently for everyone. For some they choose to love others by buying them gifts while for others they choose to love by being present and listening to you. While we put an emphasis on trying to understand how we communicate love, it is also important to know your partner's love language. The questions then are: How does your partner communicate their love? How do they receive love? Most of us have heard about the 5 love languages. If you have not, the 5 love languages include: Words of Affirmation, Acts of Service, Receiving Gifts, Quality Time, and Physical Touch. By utilizing this assessment, you can learn how to love your partner the best you can. The assessment is…
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